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USA Freakshow Apocalypse
48 x 48 x 2 in
Medium: Acrylic On Canvas - used my digital photography - steNarcissistic Clown - Do Not Enter - Gaslighted fire storm. Painted Sideshow banner strung up with rope and steel pipe.
Narrative - Can anyone see what is happening? History repeating? The beginning of the end of the world as we know it.....
Medium: Acrylic On Canvas - used my digital photography - steNarcissistic Clown - Do Not Enter - Gaslighted fire storm. Painted Sideshow banner strung up with rope and steel pipe.
Narrative - Can anyone see what is happening? History repeating? The beginning of the end of the world as we know it.....
Behind The Stage -
Puppet, self-portrait, lighting, fabric
Behind The Stage
Oil on board
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