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The New Normal
The New Normal is an on-going and evolving sculptural installation. Each piece in the series reflects a sardonic commentary on the subconscious conditioning of children to normalize domestic terrorism. The series exists to fight cynicism and inspire public outrage over the unacceptable proliferation of gun violence in America. The exhibit displayed in January 2024 at Cerritos Fine Art Gallery in California as "Selling the New Normal."
WARNING: Soundtrack contains gun and siren sounds!
New Normal Soundtrack short

American Alphabet
Alphabet poster with wooden tiles at different levels off the wall displaying words from an original poem by Artist Gina M. 72 x 48 x 6 in

American Alphabet - detail
Alphabet poster with wooden tiles at different levels off the wall displaying words from an original poem by Artist Gina M. 72 x 48 x 6 in

Gunball Machine
60 x 14 x 14 Fashioned from a working vintage gumball machine, this chrome, white and gray angelic sculpture offers a satirical commentary on America's misplaced priorities when grappling with gun violence. The artwork questions the effectiveness of the current approach, frequently centered on the promotion of thoughts, prayers, and more guns.
60 x 14 x 14 Fashioned from a working vintage gumball machine, this chrome, white and gray angelic sculpture offers a satirical commentary on America's misplaced priorities when grappling with gun violence. The artwork questions the effectiveness of the current approach, frequently centered on the promotion of thoughts, prayers, and more guns.

Gunball Machine
60 x 14 x 14 Fashioned from a working vintage gumball machine, this chrome, white and gray angelic sculpture offers a satirical commentary on America's misplaced priorities when grappling with gun violence. The artwork questions the effectiveness of the current approach, frequently centered on the promotion of thoughts, prayers, and more guns.

Safety Protocol. Speedy Scan.
Size (h w d): 90 x 47 x 32 in
Safety Protocol. Speedy Scan, mocks Americas irrational reverence of guns and gun violence and takes a sardonic look at the conditioning of America’s children to subconsciously normalize domestic terrorism while feeding them the lie; “You just deal with it.”
Safety Protocol. Speedy Scan, mocks Americas irrational reverence of guns and gun violence and takes a sardonic look at the conditioning of America’s children to subconsciously normalize domestic terrorism while feeding them the lie; “You just deal with it.”

Safety Protocol. Speedy Scan.
Safety Protocol. Speedy Scan, mocks Americas irrational reverence of guns and gun violence and takes a sardonic look at the conditioning of America’s children to subconsciously normalize domestic terrorism while feeding them the lie; “You just deal with it.” 90 x 47 x 32 in

Safety Protocol. Speedy Scan.
Safety Protocol. Speedy Scan, mocks Americas irrational reverence of guns and gun violence and takes a sardonic look at the conditioning of America’s children to subconsciously normalize domestic terrorism while feeding them the lie; “You just deal with it.” 90 x 47 x 32 in

No Words
79 x 48 x 48 A rubric of metaphor and a giant memorial to the lost innocence taken by gun violence. Scrabble tiles create a word search using a word list related to gun violence with titles like, Lives Lost. Where Lives Were Lost. Not Normal

No Words-detail
79 x 48 x 48 A rubric of metaphor and a giant memorial to the lost innocence taken by gun violence. Scrabble tiles create a word search using a word list related to gun violence with titles like, Lives Lost. Where Lives Were Lost. Not Normal

No Words- detail
A rubric of metaphor and a giant memorial to the lost innocence taken by gun violence. Scrabble tiles create a word search using a word list related to gun violence with titles like, Lives Lost. Where Lives Were Lost. Not Normal

United We Stand in the TAG Gallery for Made in The USA: Freedom of Expression
Stacking boxes ontop of a child's desk, on top of a white disk on top of alphabet blocks. Desk 18”x24”x 27” high, plus 35.5 x 6 x 6 in stacking blocks

United We Stand
My personal March for our lives, 2018 photographs collaged on a repurposed stacking toy. All fits inside one box with lid. Desk with flag as base.

United We Stand
My personal March for our lives, 2018 photographs collaged on a repurposed stacking toy. All fits inside one box with lid. Desk with flag as base.

United We Stand - detail
My personal March for our lives, 2018 photographs collaged on a repurposed stacking toy. All fits inside one box with lid. Desk with flag as base.

I Hate The New Normal
An old-fashioned chalkboard frame surrounds 15 individual plaques protruding from the bare wall. Chalk writing expresses a child’s dread and anxiety about gun violence in America; “Will I make it to Prom?” “Was it like this when you were in school?” “Am I Next?”
49 x 80 x 5 in
49 x 80 x 5 in

I Hate The New Normal - detail
detail of I Hate The New Normal.
Thoughts and prayers on an empty box
Thoughts and prayers on an empty box

I Hate The New Normal - detail
Detail of the chalk writing of the feelings from mass shooting victims.
49 x 80 x 5 in
49 x 80 x 5 in

Stop Gun Violence
Toy foam letters, wire net flag with red, white, and blue led lights, pipe frame. 40 x 79 x 1 in

American Idol
A box is recessed into the wall. A gold gilded frame surrounds it. A miniature statue of liberty holds a broken gun overhear shoulder. Lights flash as people walk by. 6 x 14 x 7 in

American Idol
A box is recessed into the wall. A gold gilded frame surrounds it. A miniature statue of liberty holds a broken gun overhear shoulder. Lights flash as people walk by. 6 x 14 x 7 in

Primary Composition
Childs old school writing notebook practicing penmanship in the new normal.

Erase Gun Violence -Poster
Digital painting on paper

Where Lives Were Lost
36x24" Interactive word search with names of mass shooting victims. The shooting took place during the afternoon of February 14, 2018, at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. The shooting lasted for about six minutes in total,[21][45] and all of the victims were shot within just under four minutes. The fourteen students and three staff members killed were:[57]
Alyssa Alhadeff, 14
Scott Beigel, 35
Martin Duque, 14
Nicholas Dworet, 17
Aaron Feis, 37
Jaime Guttenberg, 14
Chris Hixon, 49
Luke Hoyer, 15
Cara Loughran, 14
Gina Montalto, 14
Joaquin Oliver, 17
Alaina Petty, 14
Meadow Pollack, 18
Helena Ramsay, 17
Alex Schachter, 14
Carmen Schentrup, 16
Peter Wang, 15
Alyssa Alhadeff, 14
Scott Beigel, 35
Martin Duque, 14
Nicholas Dworet, 17
Aaron Feis, 37
Jaime Guttenberg, 14
Chris Hixon, 49
Luke Hoyer, 15
Cara Loughran, 14
Gina Montalto, 14
Joaquin Oliver, 17
Alaina Petty, 14
Meadow Pollack, 18
Helena Ramsay, 17
Alex Schachter, 14
Carmen Schentrup, 16
Peter Wang, 15
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