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Behind the scenes of              My Bare Skin.

— A trompe l'oeil ceramic trophy, carnival prize mounted upside-down, gravity pulling faded fabric skin over a boneless carcass oozing stuffing, the sad matte black pleading eyes of "My Bare Skin" screams road kill; a toy lost, used up, tossed away and covered in skid marks.

5 feet of bare skin. Just my size.

The 5’ long piece “My Bare Skin”, started with large slabs of clay rolled out, then tossed, at an angle, onto a board to flatten them. Then they were textured and folded like fabric forming the empty shell of a body and large sad face. Two wagon wheels were used to run over the middle section before the whole thing was cut into 9 pieces so it would fit in the kiln.

The folds are intentionally made to read vertically or horizontally. On the wall, gravity pulls at them, drawing the focus down to the emotion in the black eyes.

When the piece is displayed on the ground the folds spill over an invisible core making the injury of the skid marks the focus.

Vertical display of “My Bare Skin” white wall.

Vertical display at Midway . Artist Gina M.’s solo show at Gallery 825 La Cienega Blvd., LA, CA October 21, to December 1, 2017

Gallery 825

For price and availability contact 825 N. La Cienega Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90069 Phone: 310.652.8272


Gallery Hours Tuesday-Saturday 10-5pm

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